Bearing in
mind the importance of disciplinary responsibility, the Project has done a
Training Needs’ Analysis (TNA), which has identified the necessity for
introducing training on disciplinary responsibility of judges, as they have the need
for upgrading their knowledge on disciplinary proceedings, character of
disciplinary offences, as well as practice of disciplinary bodies.
Following the TNA, it has been concluded that members of the Council’s first instance and appeals disciplinary bodies themselves would make the most appropriate trainers for this training due to years of work experience and familiarity with the relevant practice. Therefore, it has been agreed that they should be trained and hired for this purpose, which the members of the Judicial Academy and EUD, supporting this activity through the Project, concurred with.
Trainings on disciplinary liability of judges first of all have a great impact on the judges themselves as after completing the trainings and going over the materials that the Project has prepared they will be better able to identify which situations, i.e. actions, they may be held liable for in disciplinary proceedings.
This topic is immensely important for the reputation of the judiciary as well and the efficacy of courts, as conducting disciplinary proceedings affirms the appropriate and conscientious conduct of judges, while sanctioning the opposite. The more efficiently disciplinary proceedings are conducted, the more efficient the courts will be, so for this reason, as well, it is important that all the judges are reminded of the rules governing such proceedings, and to be acquainted with the practice of disciplinary bodies.